Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No more Bullies!

Hey everyone!! How are ya? I am great, no real reason other than I just am happy today! Well today is my daddies birthday!! But other than that its just a good Tuesday!!.

So by now any of you have seen or heard about this lady...

If not this is Jennifer Livingston. She is my most favorite morning news lady! I love to wake up and turn on the TV and watch her and her co anchor Bill Graul, in the morning. They just make it fun! 

But if you don't already know she is not in the news lately for her Emmy winning anchoring abilities (which are awesome) but for her taking a stand against a bully email she received about her weight. An email that was sent to her work email. Nope not one word on how she did her job but on the fact that she is overweight! Now I understand that our country is overweight and obese. And I fully know that it is not a healthy lifestyle. People I market healthy, clean products so I KNOW!! But this bullying issue is near and dear to me and I thought it was awful for someone who does not know Jennifer personally to remind her of this fact. Like she said in her on air response to the email, "do you think I don't know this?" And for those of you out there saying well she is overweight, she is due to a thyroid problem that makes it hard for her to lose weight, she is also a triathlete, and a runner. She actually just did the Muddy Run in La Crosse this past weekend. How cool is that! 

We have already had our share of bullying with my daughter and she is only in the 5th grade. And sadly to say 1 of the instances was by a teacher! I was appalled at her (the teacher) behavior! I am by no means saying all or even most teachers are like this, I don't believe they are! But this one was. I say this to tell you to stand up for your children. We are their advocates and if we don't stand up for them no one else will!

If you would like to read more on Jennifer's story you can go HERE. She will also be on Ellen today!! It is pretty cool to me that she had the courage to stand up to her bully and that it is bringing this issue to the nation. Although most of us did know this is a problem its cool that a small town news anchor could bring more attention to it!!

She has received TONS and TONS of emails since about how amazing she is. I think it is sad that instead of lifting our kids we are pushing them to be skinny. I don't want my kids to be skinny I want them to be healthy! I love how Jennifer said it about listening to the bullies. "To all of the children out there who feel lost, who are struggling with your weight, with the color of your skin, your sexual preference, your disability, even the acne on your face, listen to me right now. do not let your self-worth be defined by bullies. Learn from my experience — that the cruel words of one are nothing compared to the shouts of many.”

So hold your kids close and teach them to stand up to the bullies. Teach them to stand up for others who may not be able to stand up for them selves. If we stand together against this bullying behavior I truly believe we can combat this epidemic that is currently plaguing our kids, and even adults. Lets work together to shut the bullies up!!

Have a great Tuesday!

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