So first let me say that I am not a DIYer! I am one of those that would love to be but am really no good at it. But I am hoping it is like other things in life and the more you practice the better you become! Wish me luck!
That being said I will show you one of my 1st projects that actually turned out!
I sometimes have a problem deciding on what I want in my house. Do you ever have that problem? I want the house to be just so but with limited resources (money) I get really picky about what come in my house. Well at least the expensive things that come in my house. I have been looking for a way to store my daughter’s things in her closet until I can re-do her closet organizer. But to me those cute decorative boxes are just too expensive to buy when I don’t know if it will work. I came across this idea on Pinterest, to take an old cardboard box you have lying around and wrapping it in duck tape to be used as a decorative storage box, and thought that would be great as a waiting till I find the perfect item storage container! Here is the final product.
Here are the instructions and tutorial of how I created the box above.So I started with a empty box, scissors, and duck tape (zebra print)
Then I cut the top flaps off the box so that it looked like this:
Next you are going to take your duck tape and wrap it around the top of the box but leave enough at the top to fold over to cover the very top of the box

Then I just folded over the top
Be sure to pull in tight so that your top looks smooth and clean.
After you have your tops all folded over on all sides you are going to start to go down the box by wrapping the tape around the box.I lined up the tape so that it just barely covered the first round of tape.(sorry for this pic I was using 2 hands and asked my 10 year old to take the pic...I won't do that again! LOL)
Keep going with this until you are down to the bottom.
The size of my box ended up that I had some at the bottom, so I did one more tape around and then pulled the excess as you see here tightly just as I did when I started.
As you can see I still need one more for the socks but I think its pretty cute for as cheap it is! Total cost of this project was $3.87! This is the cost for only 1 box I did 2 so it would be double that. The box was free so all it cost me was the tape!1 roll of duck tape will cover 1 box almost 2 but not quite! I know this because I tried to do 1 more box and was just short! Let me tell ya that can make you mad!!
Do you do love DIY projects? I love how frugal I feel! Oh and anyone can do this project!
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